Don’t know who’s ringing up the big bucks in holiday retail
sales this year, but there are big bucks aplenty behind the
California High-Speed Rail Authority’s plans. Next stop in this
long process that Gilroy is just hopping aboard is another public
meeting in Gilroy.
Frost-swept hillsides like I’ve never seen in Gilroy greeted our early morning walk Tuesday in the hills. The dogs seemed to take particular joy in the crunchy ground, bounding along and making a funny sound with each loping movement. Icy puddles dotted the landscape, a mist covered the city below like a white down blanket and the sun peeked above the hillside. Magically, the hills seemed dusted in white with a wave of the wizard’s wand. It was a good morning to behold the beautiful Gilroy countryside and a good morning to reflect on a difficult week. Life brings trials and tribulations – sometimes in droves – and it’s best to take a good walk (preferably with your happy hounds) and revive the spirit.

It’s spiritually cruel and unusual punishment to require property tax payments right before Christmas and right before income tax day in April. Not sure how that works, but maybe County Assessor Larry Stone could work out a change of month venue.

Nice not to have too much change in certain things. The annual Christopher Ranch Saturday afternoon holiday to-do, which is always a great event hosted by Don and Bill with the mariachi band and throngs of Gilroyans mingling with a few Garlic City “ex-patriots” who come back to say hello, certainly qualifies. Nice to see the effervescent Therese Strutner there. She has good marks on from Carmel High. There are plenty of Gilroy High teacher ratings, but none from Christopher High on the site yet.

High marks are easy to give Gilroyan Andy Viale and his lovely wife Lynn, who hosted an unusual soiree Saturday evening, featuring a bevy of local products including a new spice rub, a dog nutrition book, goat lotions and a cookbook for people. I’m sure that I can think of a joke having to do with this that has nothing to do with Tiger Woods, thank you. But here’s the deal: Andy’s Rub is delicious, so if you have a barbecuing beast in the family “the rub with an attitude” is a great stocking stuffer or accompaniment to other BBQ-related gifts. Check out the finished product, perfected after years of experimentation, at You could pair it with some goat cheese (or goat lotion) from John and Janet Locey’s ranch. Top it off with veterinarian Greg Martinez’s latest book “Dog Dish Diet: Sensible Nutrition for Your Dogs Health” – available where else but at I tried to find out what Greg’s first book was, but … just kidding Greg, but a hefty Rotary fine is most definitely in order. Lastly but not leastly, there’s the dynamic duo’s book, the one, the only Italian-Japanese Iron Chef team, Sam Bozzo and Gene Sakahara with their best-selling title “Any Bozzo Can Cook.” That and a Garlic Festival apron – now there’s a real home-grown Gilroy gift – will keep you free from vampires forever. BTW, compliments to the Viale’s on their years of work creating one of the most beautiful backyards in all of Gilroy. Now, there’s a home that could be on the Gilroy Assistance League home tour next year. I bet Andy would even barbecue for the visitors. How about a theme? Beautiful backyards of Gilroy.

Gavilan College is home to one of the most beautiful programs in the state. The WorkAbility III Program and The Disability Resource Center received accolades this past week. Fran Lopez, Associate Dean of Disability Resources and staff for the DRC accepted the award for the Outstanding Community Agency of the year from the California Department of Rehabilitation, San Jose District. Lopez said, “it’s a great honor, and a tribute to the wonderful, caring staff at the DRC.” Thanks to all for running such a great program. If you’d like to know more, ring up the center at 848-4865.

Don’t know who’s ringing up the big bucks in holiday retail sales this year, but there are big bucks aplenty behind the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s plans. Next stop in this long process that Gilroy is just hopping aboard is another public meeting in Gilroy. Hopefully we’ll have some downtown representatives and others interested in the public good and transportation at the scheduled Monday, Jan. 11, 2010 meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn, 6070 Monterey Road. Game time is 6 p.m. The draft plan HSR plan and environmental review will be available. This is the prelude to the Final Alternatives Analysis Report. It’s important that Gilroy step up and be heard. This 200-mph train is going to be around for a long time and it might be going right smack through the middle of our downtown.

That downtown played host Saturday night to the wonderful parade and tree lighting event – the kind of event that nourishes Gilroy’s small-town character. Fifty groups in the parade and all kinds of holiday cheer on a chilly night. The doggie dress-up contest was a nice addition and, most importantly, the children had a blast listening to the bands, visiting with Santa and hearing the choirs sing. That’s one of the things that makes Gilroy Great.

Reach Mark Derry at [email protected]

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