WHEN the South Valley Civic Theatre with their Morgan Hill Community Playhouse Company decided to present “Tru” a one man show they bravely went into delicate territory. A one man show is a gamble, the material has to be believable, the direction has to be really detailed and the “one man” that carries the production for 90 minutes has to be able to deliver the character he is playing. Well they seemed to hit it just right with their first one man play, Bill Tindall carries the Truman Capote character with all his humor and insecurities with the book by Jay Presson Allen who brings us a sad unsure Capote, Carol Harris directs with a sensitive brush and brings in a very acceptable “Tru”.
We come upon Capote Christmas 1976 depressed and lonely in his posh New York apartment, feeling the slights of his former friends who he has alienated with an article about their very private lives published in Esquire the past week. Allen has taken Capote’s words and publications to bring us into two days of this enigma of a man that really makes you want to learn more about him.
Tindall keeps the attention with the humor, poignancy and clever dialogue and leaves no doubt that Capote is one of the finest known American authors.
After a well done presentation you will go home and want to look for more information about this very interesting man.
Leader Of the Pack -Teen Musical – Feb, 19
God OF Courage –Adult Drama – April 8
Mary Poppins – Family Musical – June 3