To the casual observer, Morgan Hill seems like a prosperous
community: Million -dollar homes line the streets, expensive cars
choke the parking lots, the upscale grocery chain Trader Joe’s
opening Dec. 8. But appearances can be deceiving.
To the casual observer, Morgan Hill seems like a prosperous community: Million -dollar homes line the streets, expensive cars choke the parking lots, the upscale grocery chain Trader Joe’s opening Dec. 8. But appearances can be deceiving.

A study conducted last year suggested that some 1,500 local residents may go to bed hungry each night. And other families are struggling mightily to have enough food in their homes to feed themselves. Acting on this information, the Community Connections Committee of Advent Lutheran Church decided to help meet this perceived need. 

Beginning in April, the church has provided a weekly free meal to all comers in Berkland Fellowship Hall at 16870 Murphy Ave.

The meals are served promptly at 5pm on Tuesdays. The food  is provided and prepared by Martha’s Kitchen, a noted nonprofit, interfaith community service agency which has provided meals at several San Jose locations since 1981. Members of Advent are joined by parishioners of Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church and Morgan Hill Bible Church to prepare the room, serve the food, and clean up afterwards.

Each meal is tasty and nutritious. A typical menu recently included green salad, fresh fruit salad, turkey-rice casserole, baked chicken, rolls, beverages and a selection of dessert items. Guests are welcome to eat as much as they wish, and leftovers are sent home in containers with anyone who wants more.

Flyers advertising this service have been left with local social service agencies and posted at laundromats and daycare centers.  Attendance has been averaging approximately 30 diners per week, but there is room and food enough to accommodate more people if the need arises. Also, Community Connections is willing to expand their operation to more days per week if necessary.

Ellie Quayle, chairperson of the Community Table Ministry, emphasizes there are “no eligibility requirements to participate: No income questions, no judgments made, open to all. We are thrilled and blessed to be able to offer this opportunity to the community.”

For several years the group has supported Reach Out, Morgan Hill’s ecumenical program which distributes groceries to the poor; Friends Outside, a charity which provides gifts at Christmas for children of incarcerated parents; and the Emergency Housing Consortium, which gives bedding and toiletries to the homeless.

In addition, Advent has hosted several community blood drives, participated in the annual Crop Walk which benefits world hunger and several local charities, conducts a “neighbor’s in need” program which assists persons in need of emergency gas vouchers and has a community garden which allows members to grow vegetables for their own use and to share with other charitable food programs.

Advent’s newest out reach project is the sale of free trade coffee, tea and chocolate to members and others who wish to assist small producers to sustain themselves and invest in education, health care and environmentally sustainable farming techniques.

The group is always looking for new methods of outreach to the community. For more information call 779-3551.

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