93.5 F
September 7, 2024

Cannery Demo Begins

One of Gilroy's oldest industrial buildings will come down to

Bill Allows Energy Gifts to Nonprofits

Nonprofit groups can receive free electricity from Calpine and

Gilroy Chaos Teams Excel in Local Tournaments

The Gilroy Chaos 12U (Blue) softball team won the championship

Offensive Mustangs Led by Ocana


Neighbors upset by dust spewed from powder coating business

In the eight years that the Thomas family have been living on the corner of Eighth and Forest streets, countless barbecues have been canceled and all four family members have been forced to seek refuge from what Sabrina Thomas believes is polluted air.

A brighter Christmas for those in need

Turkeys aren't necessary to enjoy the holiday season, but they

Parents rally for school safety after Luigi Aprea incident

Parents of some of the students who attend Luigi Aprea Elementary School took their concerns and frustrations to the Gilroy Unified School District board after a potentially dangerous criminal suspect was allowed to enter the campus late last month.  About 40 parents, grandparents, students and...

