Julie Kiefer is facilitating the Griefshare program at the
music in the park, psychedelic furs

We all lose through death people who are important to us during
the course of our lives, and everyone tries to cope with their
sadness in some way. Gilroy Presbyterian Church Health Ministries,
which has offered many helpful services to the South County
community over the years, announces a new opportunity for local
residents grieving the death of a loved one.
We all lose through death people who are important to us during the course of our lives, and everyone tries to cope with their sadness in some way. Gilroy Presbyterian Church Health Ministries, which has offered many helpful services to the South County community over the years, announces a new opportunity for local residents grieving the death of a loved one.

Griefshare is a special weekly seminar and support group for people who find themselves in this situation. It’s a place to be around people who understand what grieving people are feeling. At Griefshare, grieving people will learn valuable information about recovering from grief and renewing their hope for the future.

The 13-week program will begin on Monday, Sept. 12, from 7 to 9pm at the church, 6000 Miller Ave. Its goal is to be a place where people can “find help, discover hope, and experience healing.”

Each Griefshare session includes a video seminar featuring top experts on grief and recovery. It also includes real-life stories of people who have experienced personal losses. Each session is self-contained, so they do not need to be attended in order to receive the encouragement and help they provide. Among the topics covered are:

n The Seasons of Grief

n The Emotions of Grief

n Where is God

n Growing through Grief.

After viewing a video, participants will engage in small group discussion about the DVD. This is an opportunity to interact with others who have experienced a recent loss, learn about their experiences, and share one’s own feelings.

Griefshare is completely nondenominational and open to anyone in the community. The lay people who lead the sessions have received training, and they also have access to professional support. The only cost to participate is $25 to purchase a workbook which accompanies the videos and discussions.

Julie Kiefer, facilitator of this program for GPC Health Ministries, has lost both her father and a sister to cancer. She describes Griefshare as a “journey from mourning to joy” for those who participate.

For more information call (408) 842-3000 or send an e-mail to GPC_griefshare @yahoo.com.

Meeting the same evenings in another room at the church is an ongoing program also sponsored by Health Ministries. Divorcecare helps separated and divorced men and women learn to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding their lives. Its structure is similar:

n Each weekly session features an expert on videotape addressing relevant topics like Facing Anger & Depression, New Relationships, Financial Survival.

n Afterwards, participants discuss in small groups what is going on in their lives.

n They work between sessions on a workbook focusing on separation/divorce issues.

Again, people of all religious traditions are invited to attend; the only cost is for the workbook. For more information call (408) 842-3000 or e-mail Di*********@ho*****.com.

Chuck Flagg teaches English at Mt. Madonna High School. Write to him at P.O. Box 22365, Gilroy, Calif. 95021.

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