music in the park, psychedelic furs

Too Much Personal Info

“This is in regards to ‘The Gift of Life’ article in the Nov. 28 issue of the Dispatch just as a side comment, the person’s whose driver’s license is visualized, Kelly Savio, she may be an employee or whatever, but I think you should have fuzzed out her driver’s license number and some other pertinent information. That’s more information than I would want out there so that was my only comment, but good article, but my only comment was putting something out there that shouldn’t be out there.”

Red Phone:

Yes caller good point, but not to worry the Lifestyles crew was thinking ahead when they made that graphic. The information on the license is fictional. The section has received many calls with concern to this, but be reassured we agree with you that such personal information should not be displayed and we took care of it in advance. Thanks for reading the story, glad you enjoyed it.

Lights on, Anybody Home?

“On Saturday Nov. 18 I had a class all day at the Gilroy Senior Center and starting at 9am I noticed that right adjacent to the Gilroy Senior Center is the new police station and all of the exterior lights outside the building and around the parking lot were on. They were on all day, that was Saturday, there was no sign of any working. So all day long the outside lights were on and I’m just wondering who’s paying the bill? No wonder there’s overrun on this.”

Red Phone:

Well caller, Red Phone contacted assistant police chief Lanny Brown who said he wasn’t sure why they were on, but it wasn’t anyone from GPD who left them burning. It most likely was the contractor SJ Amoroso, he is the current owner of the building until it is turned over to GPD, and he pays the PG&E bill.

“Before I go over there, I have to call and get permission to get into the building, it’s under their control. I know they have been doing a lot of electrical work and testing all last week. Testing the generator, and I know they were working on Saturday and were most probably testing the building in preparation for this week’s final inspection of electrical systems. I think it would be fair to say they were doing contractor level inspections leading into this week when the city inspects,” Brown said.

For the next period architectural, electrical, mechanical, fire suppression, plumbing and many more tests will be going on and then Brown said they hope to gain ownership in Jan. After this they will need about two months to install furniture, computers and phones. The grand opening is scheduled for March 17 so stay tuned readers for an opportunity to visit Gilroy Police’s new pride and joy.


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