music in the park, psychedelic furs

How do I donate?

“The Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center called for donations and there was something in the Dispatch about it, but they didn’t leave any way to get a hold of them. I tried looking them up in the phonebook and couldn’t find them. Is there any way you could get that information and put it in the paper, so I could know where to send a check? Thanks for your help.”

Red Phone:

You got it, caller.

W.E.R.C.’s address is: P.O. Box 1105, Morgan Hill, CA, 95038-1105. The phone number is 779-WERC (9372) or you can contact them via e-mail at we**@we*****.org.

If you have Internet access, take a look at their Web site, Those who wish to donate may conveniently do so via the site.

Math madness

“I wish to comment on a very, very good letter by Mr. Clark, a retired math teacher from our Gilroy Unified School District. His letter was June 20. Excellent letter, good ideas. I’m not sure the teachers know how to teach this new math. One of the problems is kids don’t understand it, the parents don’t understand it, so they can’t help them. And me, being a grandmother, I do it my way, he does it his way and if we get the same answers, we figure they’re right. If only one or two in a class didn’t understand it, I’d figure it was the student, but when 95 percent of the kids don’t get it, something has to change. Let’s go back to the old math. Thank you.”

Red Phone:

Thanks for the call.

Clean up needed

“I’ve been trying to get Luchessa Avenue cleaned up by a street cleaner for weeks now. I called the city twice and they said it was the responsibility of the South Valley Disposal. I called them and they said it was the responsibility of the city. So they’re playing games back and forth and nobody wants to take responsibility. And yet, Luchessa, from Church to Princevalle is a nightmare. There’s branches, glass, rubber, paper all over the place and it hasn’t been cleaned in two months. Somebody should take responsibility and make our city look clean. I also called the mayor and left a message with the mayor’s office. Let’s get someone out there because it’s a disgrace. Thank you.”

Red Phone:

City Operations Manager Carla Ruigh said South Valley Disposal is supposed to sweep every other week.

“We did have a complaint about Luchessa last week,” she added, “and my staff did go out there with our sweeper and took care of it.”

In general, people with street cleaning issues should contact Lisa Jensema at 846-0245.

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