music in the park, psychedelic furs

A classified ad in The Fresno Bee
Led to the highway to Coarse Gold, California for Brenda, Granita and me.
Weighing in at one pound, eight ounces, a priceless nugget you were.
As a black and tan double, dapple dachshund with velvet white spots, so beautiful for sure.
We debated your name for an hour or more,
For it had to keep with the theme of flavored coffee drinks or Brenda would be sore. 
Finally settling on the name of Kahlúa after the liqueur of coffee and rum.
Instinctively, Granita became a surrogate mom, nurturing your every part and sum.
For months Brenda swore to keep you out of our bed.
You finally won the battle, falling fast asleep as you laid your head.
As time passed, your personality outgrew your tiny frame.
Your docile and loving nature still affects all the same.
Your endless amount of energy had to be spent.
So we surrounded you with baskets of stuffed, squeaky toys that have cost a pretty cent.
When we return from shopping, you frantically search each bag for a toy.
Upon its discovery, you run with ears back and a mouthful of joy.
You love to “play ball” and you catch pretty well.
Every story of you and your ways we love to tell.
Your various barks and growls mark times for eat, potty, and sleep.
Once you’re cuddled on your bed or the couch, we best not make a peep.
A walk for you consists of a trip down the driveway or on the front grass.
The world beyond our house is so scary for such a small, tailed lass.
Little K has become your nickname and affectionate call.
In a pack of Great Danes, your personality would stand tall.
When Granita left our lives, you mourned with our loss and sorrow.
With a wag of your tail, you gave us hope for a better tomorrow.
You and Café, your older sister of 15 years, have grown so tight.
She looks forward to the days together as time steals her sight.
You’re a survivor of indigestible rocks, blown discs and numerous trips to the vet.
The gall bladder problem that now plagues you will not deter your passion for life one can surely bet.
Your affection and penchant for suffocating kisses are the stuff of legend and lore.
A life defined by a compassionate spirit and a devotion that we adore.
One day, the time and space between us will slip through both hands and paws,
For this is the fate we share as beings subject to universal laws.
Just remember, I’m forever indebted to your friendship and love.
This tribute to you is but a small token from my heart and a word of thanks to the Lord above.
– Frank Perez

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