If Lisa Pampuch can only re-hash her previous rants, I suggest
replacing her with someone who can produce new, original
Dear Editor,

If Lisa Pampuch can only re-hash her previous rants, I suggest replacing her with someone who can produce new, original material.

Her (July 6) column proclaiming four “fixes” to what truly is no more than California’s Democrat problem has appeared in her drivel at least five times.

Term limits and the two-thirds majority rule to raise taxes has been repeatedly upheld by an overwhelming majority of voters. Moot point. Drop it. Without the 2/3 protection, state employees would be averaging triple what the rest of us earn (instead of a mere 70 percent more, boo hoo).

When the voters are dumb enough to approve a new tax (which will never go away), they are promised that said funds go only to said project. If we were to “end ballot-box budgeting,” that would give the state free reign to deceive. “Hey, we need a new tax for this,” and in a year, divert the funds to raises for state “workers.” Ending this protection would be liken to wearing a “kick me” sign in addition to the carrot-and-stick hat.

Rather than “comparing our educational system and infrastructure today to 1978,” compare the ratio of state employee compensation to that of the private sector. Compare how many families were literally being taxed out of their homes in 1978. Compare state spending (adjusted for inflation). “We pay our legislators better than legislators in any other state in the nation”; we can start cutting right there.

The problem is, Californians want everything and everyone else to pay for it. State taxes are higher than ever. The best thing that can happen is the government shutting down. That will in turn bring about the end of public employee unions. The only way to abolish the socialist mentality is to force reform, and “by any means necessary.” Get rid of property taxes entirely (not only on real estate, but also on vehicles). Property tax is archaic and socialist. The only fair way to tax is sales.

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

Just a $1,000 thought about how to deal with all the illegal fireworks

Dear Editor,

While my husband and I were laying in bed on Sunday night, I had a thought and he suggested that I send it to the paper.

While laying there listening to all the illegal fireworks go off I said to my husband, “Why don’t all the people that set off illegal fireworks get fined $500 dollars, then all the money that the city gets goes to the firefighters fund to help the city pay for the firefighters.”

He told me … “That’s not a bad idea.”

Also … the people who set off the illegal fireworks, their names and addresses go into a file that when the next Fourth of July comes along, if they are caught again setting off illegal fireworks, they will have to pay a $1,000 fine that will again go to the firefighters fund.

It was just a thought, and one that I think firefighters and police officers that patrol our city can appreciate as well as the majority of citizens that follow the rules of only using safe and sane fireworks.

The people of Gilroy shouldn’t be punished by not allowing safe and sane fireworks. All the booths that sell fireworks are for non-profit organizations. They need that money every year and A LOT of those booths are for the high school students.This idea is a win-win for everyone. The non-profits get to sell their fireworks that help pay for camps and uniforms. The firefighters get some money to help them out … and the people who shoot off illegal fireworks learn a valuable lesson.

No illegal firework is worth $500 or $1,000.00. Just a thought.

H. Harlan, Gilroy

Want to stop another oil disaster?

It’s easy, vote the Republicans out

Dear Editor,

Republicans think President Obama is shaking down BP – good!

It amazes me that Republican Joe Barton actually apologized to British Petroleum saying that President Obama is shaking them down for $20 billion. I say good for Obama. That’s what he’s supposed to do. What do the Republicans expect – that the taxpayers should bail out big oil? I don’t think so!

On one hand they are calling on Obama to do more and then they complain when he does more. They hate big government unless big government is bailing out big banks and big oil. Republicans are also claiming that it’s the governments fault for failing to force the oil industry to obey the law. That’s like saying that if a bank gets robbed it’s the fault of the police for failing to stop them.

The Republicans have sided with the oil companies and against the people. When people ask, “What can we do to stop a disaster like this again?” What we can do is vote the Republicans out, pass tough energy reform legislation, and get America off of oil.

Marc Perkel, Gilroy

Time to bring our troops and our money home from Afghanistan

Dear Editor,

The Afghanistan War is not in America’s interest. Nothing of value is being accomplished there. And, the longer we stay the more victims there will be and the greater the long-term resentment which will reduce our security.

It is time to take our troops and our money and come home where we have some serious nation building to do.

Andy Hsia-Coron, Aromas

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