57.1 F
January 10, 2025

Your Views: Inspired to Write

I just wanted to let you know that I was moved by reading David Lima's article “Is Gilroy's ‘small town’ doomed?” in the July 31 Dispatch—so much so that I just wrote a letter via the city's website to the council members, and thought I would let you know. I appreciated Mr. Lima's information and insight and thank you all that it inspired me to take action and write to my council members. That letter follows:

An amazing garlic fairy tale

Knock, knock.

Letter: Habitat Plan does not place a new burden on developers’

Thank you for your coverage of the proposed Santa Clara Valley

Community Pulse: Is GPD giving its all to combat violence?

Do you believe the Gilroy Police Department is doing all it is

Bonfante Garden Editorial On the Money

Dear Editor,

Councilman loses vote

Dear Editor,

Allure of Autumn Casts a Romantic Spell

I saw the spider webs floating in a light breeze yesterday. They

At GUSD, it’s unfortunately all about ‘saving a culture’

It is important that we define our terms. Criteria is a term you

