Letter to the editor: Let common sense prevail
Recently the hot topic in the news is the deficit reduction debate. The debate tries to link Social Security to the federal deficit. Social Security plays no direct role in the nation’s deficit. It does not depend on income tax revenue.
It’s true that as...
Stay-at-home Mom Reflects on Life’s Choices
She wouldn't have changed her choice for $1 million
Do dismount – and deliver the mail
Residents in some Gilroy neighborhoods are understandably upset with Gilroy Postmaster Penny Yates, who has told her carriers not to leave their vehicles to deliver mail to curbside mailboxes that are blocked by a parked car.
‘Main Street-Like Mall’ – Is that What Gilroy Needs?
Readers question the mall proposal, speak out for the Muslim
3 letters: Lock and fence all our community schools – just say no!; Best steak ever at old City Hall Restaurant; Gilroy Museum volunteer staff so very helpful
Locked and fenced school campuses take recreational option away from residents