music in the park, psychedelic furs

Lazy landlords: “My gripe is people who buy homes for rentals. They collect rent and don’t bother to make sure that the landscaping is kept up. It makes our neighborhoods look very bad. Don’t landlords know they can deduct gardening services on their income taxes? C’mon landlords, let’s keep Gilroy clean and beautiful. Thank you.”

If they didn’t know before, you have surely informed them. Thanks for the call.

Best of?: “When is the best of the Red Phone … going to be published? That’s a good one.”

Hmm, that is a good one, caller. The Red Phone is flattered, but there are no plans for a ‘best of’ anytime soon. It will take your suggestion into consideration, but at this point there are just too many great calls to choose from – and it likes to stay with current comments, not re-publish ones that have already been in the spotlight.

Flower power: “Hi, I can’t make it juicy, but I will make it brief. Today’s (Friday, May 20) picture on A2, which I just really enjoy, is great except they aren’t marigolds, they’re zinnias. But anyway, take care!”

Caller, thanks for pointing out the error. The Red Phone and Dispatch staff are constantly learning things and to make sure the error will not be repeated, the photographer was tied to the newspaper rack outside the office and thoroughly caned.

Insistent on a sign: “Following up on the sign for drivers being followed by an unknown. The police chief has one point, but the sign doesn’t have to necessarily be large. It can be no more than 24×18 and the letters can be pasted on. The basic method: two straps on the back so it looks like a gladiator shield. If it has to be used, the driver simply sticks the left arm down through the two straps, sticks it out the window and the lettering is big enough that it can be read at least six car lengths. … The sign itself could be on Styrofoam, it’s lightweight and with the two straps secured around the arm, it won’t be flopping around in the breeze. Ten-four, bye bye.”

For those who missed the Red Phone’s May 18 column, this caller had a suggestion for anyone scared of pulling over for an unmarked police car in a rural area. The caller suggested a “small sign made with large letters (to hold) out the window facing the unknown car behind that said, ‘I’m going to a well-lit area where people are present.'”

The Red Phone thought it was an interesting concept and contacted Gilroy Police Chief Gregg Giusiana, who said he didn’t think it was very practical because the sign would have to be large.

But, good caller, you’ve gone the distance and shown that you’ve put a lot of thought into the idea – even down to the dimensions. On behalf of anyone who has interest in such a device, the Red Phone thanks you for the follow-up call.

Old City Hall clock repaired: Gilroy’s Public Information officer contacted the Red Phone Friday to let it know that the clock at Old City Hall has been repaired and is back in working order. Kline said that because of its age and unique mechanism, it has been challenging to keep it properly cleaned and maintained.

After a recent Red Phone On Hold column, Lyndon Meader, a local volunteer with clock repair experience, called City Hall with an offer to help. After an initial inspection of the clock mechanism, he cleaned and repaired the clock two weeks ago, and it has been keeping accurate time since then. Let’s hear it for local resident who are willing to step up to the plate! Thanks Lyndon!

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