With the new housing construction on Luchessa Avenue, how soon will Suburban Propane be required to move out?
Red Phone:
At first glance, Red Phone thought that this would be a quick and easy question to answer, good caller. But, Red Phone should know by now that whenever companies are involved, it’s complicated.
Red Phone contacted Gilroy Planning Manager, Susan Martin, to find out if the City of Gilroy was involved in scheduling the Suburban Propane move. Martin said that the developer that owns the parcel, KB Homes, and Suburban Propane, would determine the schedule.
Red Phone called Suburban Propane on two (maybe three?) occasions asking about the move, only to be told that the manager would return my call. Red Phone has yet to receive a return call.
Moving on, Red Phone called KB Homes contact Charley Hazelbaker to ask about the move. A KB Homes representative named Craig returned the call and said: “The development is called Oak Place, and Suburban Propane will be moving out in a couple of months.” He said he would also send Red Phone more information about the development, which Red Phone would have shared, but information has yet to be received in spite of a follow up call.
So, good caller, we have an answer from the developer, but no corroborating answer from Suburban Propane.