Dear Editor:
We readers who regularly read the Opinion page of the Gilroy
Dispatch are routinely entertained by the occasional squealing,
ramblings, distortions of fact, and half-truths of McCormack,
Jones, Mitchell, and Taylor.
Dear Editor:
We readers who regularly read the Opinion page of the Gilroy Dispatch are routinely entertained by the occasional squealing, ramblings, distortions of fact, and half-truths of McCormack, Jones, Mitchell, and Taylor.
We’ve learned to look at the name of the letter’s author first and prepare ourselves before reading their little story.
The recent “Golden Quill” opinion letter by Laurie Ann Weber rates among the top 10 of any letters written by the previously mentioned authors of twisted logic.
Laurie blames the white people, the police, and our courts for oppressing and keeping our illegal alien friends in the fields, or forcing them into domestic jobs (among other things).
Why, she makes it appear that they struggle to be upstanding citizens of our country, on top of having to do the jobs we whites refuse to do, or are too lazy to do. You know as well as I do that those jobs you speak of are also done by American citizens, and documented legal immigrants. I’m sure you are not so ignorant as to think those jobs are only done by illegal immigrants as you imply in your letter.
What Ms. Weber should consider is that illegal aliens are simply that, illegal.
These illegals choose not to honor the laws of our country by sneaking over our borders illegally, but yet the documented immigrants who come here legally do choose to honor and abide by our laws.
The “basic dignity” you feel that we whites owe illegals is actually the “basic dignity” the illegals owe all Americans and our legal immigrants that choose to abide and honor our laws here in the United States.
For your information, not all immigrants, illegal and legal, are people of color. Some of those immigrants are white, too. I’m sure you know that, but to make your issue one of race and discrimination you left that out so as to make whites the “bad guy” in your story.
Ms. Weber, the police, the courts, and “whitey” are not always the bad guys. The bad guys are the people who choose to break the people’s law. It’s as simple as that.
If you don’t like a particular law Ms. Weber, try to get it changed. On that point I commend you for rallying support for a bill that you believe in to change a present law that you don’t like. Just be truthful to others, and yourself, while rallying for that support.
George M. Swanson, Gilroy
Submitted Thursday, June 10 to ed****@ga****.com
The Golden Quill is awarded occasionally for a well-written letter.