Pastor Shalea Adams has a strong connection with Morgan Hill, where she has been involved in ministry for 17 years. In 2002, she was director of the Lighthouse Outreach Center, a facility on Main Street housing an amazing array of free services for adolescents, including refreshments, tutoring, a pool and video games. As teens and their families came to know the Lord Jesus Christ, Adams planted Lighthouse Christian Church in 2003 to accommodate the socio-economically and ethnically diverse surrounding neighborhoods.
In 2006, Lighthouse Christian Church was renamed Trinity Christian Center, as it became part of the Assemblies of God. Services are held at 17795 Monterey Road in Morgan Hill.
Adams graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and then served in a clinical internship at Napa State Mental Hospital. She also studied abroad at the University of Syracuse in London, England and the University of Nice, France. While preparing to enter a doctoral program in clinical psychology, she attended a Pentecostal church and felt called to the ministry. She then attained a master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and became a licensed minister in the Assemblies of God in 2006. She has been married to Chad Adams for 13 years and was blessed with boy-girl twins in 2013.
Her greatest goal is to help those in need; this was demonstrated in 2005 when Adams left her South Valley congregation and traveled 3,000 miles to her native Louisiana to minister to flood-stricken residents. Her congregation raised $40,000 to support her efforts.
Trinity Christian Center has a passion for the disadvantaged. Rather than seeking numerical growth as its primary priority, the small congregation seeks to build the kingdom of God by reaching out to those who will probably never attend worship services – but who are hurting and in need.
• Visiting elderly patients in convalescent hospitals, twice yearly bringing gifts
• Helping the poor with financial aid, resume-writing and pastoral counseling
• Spending a large portion of its budget to support missions and the homeless
Trinity is a modern, “Spirit-filled” church characterized by first-generation Christians who are very enthusiastic and hungry to learn more about God. Lacking previous church backgrounds, they are open in sharing their faith and are uncritical of others.
Visitors will find a lively atmosphere in services characterized by clapping, dancing and ardent prayer during worship. Worship leader and local music teacher Peter Schlatter plays contemporary music, and participants attend the services “expecting to see the power of God changing lives.” Each person in attendance has an opportunity to be prayed for individually at the end of the service.
Trinity’s worship services are held 10:30 a.m. Sundays, preceded by 10 a.m. Sunday school. Also held are mid-week Bible study at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays; men’s prayer breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on the first Sunday of each month; last Sunday of the month potlucks; Friday worship nights; and tri-annual Preach-a-Thon events. For more information, visit mychurchtrinity.com or call (408) 799-7060.
Pray for Rain
Gilroy’s Interfaith Council invites everyone to gather in prayer at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 10 in the plaza behind the Gilroy Public Library. Participants will call upon their various faith traditions and prayer styles to intercede for an end to California’s drought.
Chuck Flagg is a retired teacher with a passion for religion. Reach him at cf****@sv**********.com.