64.6 F
October 6, 2024

Tag: coe park preservation fund

Coe Park advocates ‘cautiously optimistic’

Governor Jerry Brown recently signed two major legislative measures that mandate a number of funding and oversight improvements to California State parks, but the road to regaining the faith of a group of local outdoor enthusiasts - who fundraised a quarter of a million dollars to keep Henry Coe Park in South County open to the public - is going to be an arduous hike.

Coe Park advocates: Pay up, or pay back

Local outdoor enthusiasts who fundraised a quarter of a million dollars to keep California’s second largest state park open to the public are demanding a refund if the state doesn’t allocate $20 million in recently discovered hidden funds “back to their original intended use.”

Our stories, our town: 2011 in review

Just inside the Dispatch lobby on Monterey Street, a copy of every newspaper printed this year lies fanned in display atop a long shelf.

Parks Dept. inks agreement to save Coe Park

California State Parks' Director Ruth Coleman announced Monday that the Department has now signed an agreement for keeping Henry W. Coe State Park open to the public for the next three years.

