54.3 F
March 11, 2025

Tag: Colleen Valles

Gilroy budget numbers finally out — district short about $135,000

School district officials are hunting for at least $400,000 more after learning Monday that a dip in Gov. Gray Davis' school budget has left Gilroy Unified short $135,000 it was counting on for next year.

Mary Fernandes

Mary Fernandes has told her children that when she dies, they should look closely at her hands —they'll still be going.

Down on the school farm

Bob Kuntz showed two high school kids how to thread new strings on a mower, then sent them out to chop the tall grasses by a fence.

New school breaks ground on May 28

Trustees set the date for the groundbreaking at the district's newest school, and classified employees announced a "work-to-rule" tactic aimed to encourage the board to give them a greater salary increase.

High school turns into a ghost town

A student arrested for bringing a bomb to campus earlier this week and the threat of further violence caused Gilroy High School's attendance numbers to plummet today.

Child safety talk at Gavilan

A statewide video conference beamed into Gavilan College this morning, as representatives from South County agencies listened and exchanged their own ideas on how to keep kids safe, especially after school.

Board meets: budget discussed

The school board made no decisions on the budget at its meeting Tuesday, electing instead to hold off until a May 17 meeting, when it expects to have budget numbers from school district staff members.

Gavilan focuses on child safety

Gavilan College will host a state-wide video conference Thursday that will deal with the safety of youth, especially during the after-school hours:

School Board has hands full

The Gilroy Unified board of trustees will be busy tonight and Thursday with a number of decisions about the budget and the district's newest school.

No changes for lottery money

Responding to a report criticizing Gilroy Unified's use of lottery funds to pay for personnel, district officials say the money is supplemental only and big changes are not expected in terms of - how the money is used.

