75.6 F
October 27, 2024

Tag: zoology

Injured falcon found in field

’Twas the fortnight before Christmas when Steve Johnson was putting up festive Christmas decorations outside his home in San Martin and witnessed something strange going on in the field next door. Walking over, he discovered an injured juvenile peregrine falcon on the ground, with some turkey vultures circling it with curiosity. Steve rescued the 15-inch long raptor and brought it to the Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center.

Flores: Disney documentary gives human qualities to ‘Chimpanzees’

It’s become a tradition for Disney to release a nature-related film around Earth Day each year and donate a portion of the ticket sales from the first week to a nature-related cause. This year’s film is about a family of chimpanzees living in a remote part of Africa and 20 cents from each ticket sold during the opening week went to the Jane Goodall Institute for the Disneynature Tchimpounga Nature Reserve Project with a minimum of $100,000 pledged to the program.

Couple cries foul over dog case

The owners of a Morgan Hill pit bull accused of mauling a Chihuahua are still fighting the case in Superior Court, and are crying foul at the police department's handling of their case.

