Sebastian Justice (Vincent Kartheiser), a successful writer, finds himself in the depth of an impasse in his life – he’s a depressed agoraphobic with a sense of humor and a lust for sex and love, and needs to find a reason to live. Dynamic people come in and out of his life trying to find out what has caused this dilemma and trying to get him back on track with writing and life.
Playwright and screenplay writer Jonathan Marc Feldman brings out the social issues of our time in such overly long tirades that the audience loses the thread that holds the plot together.
What does hold this story together is the exceptional cast and direction. Kartheiser (sleazy, immoral and ambitious Peter Campbell in TV’s “Mad Men”) spews pages of dialogue with gusto, but the information could be offered in half the dialogue. He does it well, but it loses its meaning, and leaves the audience wondering, “Where is he going with all this ranting?”
The rest of the cast – therapist Perry (Amy Pietz), best friend Philip (Patrick Kelly Jones), Claire (Zarah Mahler), the friendly hooker who wants to be a writer, and Sheba (Vaishnavi Sharma), his love on the horizon – are all dynamic and deliver the sometimes overly long diatribes they are given to dispense.
Rick Lombardo moves his people well, with an adaptable, well-done set by scenic designer John Iacocelli, and mood-setting lighting by Hadden Givens Kime.
There are a few too-detailed scenes put in for shock value that are uncomfortable for some and not necessary for the plot line. This performance is definitely not child-friendly.

Where: San Jose Repertory Theatre, 101 Paseo de San Antonio, San Jose
Through: Sept 23
Tickets: $29 – $74
Details: (408) 367-7255 or visit

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