By Chris Cote

For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we
all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all
cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.

By Chris Cote

“For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

In 1963 when President Kennedy proclaimed these lines, my life was just beginning and too soon his would end. Thirty five words that resonated beyond their stanza, great oratory JFK led the country with. He instilled in us honor unique to patriots, optimism rare in leaders today, and from the Oval Office we were reminded that blessings come from serving others, valor from striving for equality, and that investment is required to reach for the moon and planets, then land on them.

I was a Republican once, some friends still are but now, like President Kennedy, I’m a Democrat. For better or worse my former party abandoned conservative values I honor, like conserving our planet and conserving children’s health.

Democrats think it’s achievements and the path we take to reach them that define us. We reject politics of personal destruction and with optimism we understand hard work, investment, and acting on – not just talking about moral values are what’s right. Inciting fear is what’s wrong.

Democrats believe moral values include families spending time together, parents need not commute for hours on overcrowded roads with less and less time for their kids. We understand health care for every child should be a right and that safeguarding the environment for future generations is a duty. We know California schools must be the best anywhere. These are Democrats’ moral values.

Democrats believe that the investments we make in libraries and education will increase business profits that are crucial for our state to return as a place companies want to be. When kids succeed in school they succeed in life, then the best jobs come to California. Democrats support today’s learners and encourage tomorrow’s earners. Children are Democrat’s moral values.

We reject short-sighted views from business chambers and other right wing radicals. Those denying free discussion with gamesmanship, limiting opposing views with partisanship and stifling truth in their newsletters with censorship, they don’t reflect moral values. Chamber leaders selfishly making political endorsements, perhaps violating the very spirit of federal tax law and certainly violating their own member’s will, don’t reflect our moral values. Democrat’s reject moral shortcuts and immoral bargains.

California Democrats believe we must invest in the best police departments and headquarters. We believe it’s a moral value to guarantee firefighters have the best lifesaving tools, post 9/11. We think first responders should be trained to preserve life and that investments today in public safety translate into more California lives saved tomorrow. These are our moral values.

To Democrats, innovative new laws like the Gilroy Energy Independence Ordinance, improving air quality without raising taxes, are moral values. We support these investments giving an edge to Gilroy businesses, these initiatives that create high wage jobs, and these laws that accomplish it all this without taxes. Improving our environment while increasing opportunities are Democratic moral values.

Democrats like keeping radiation and broadcast towers safe distances from schools and neighborhoods. We believe in preserving homeowners’ property values while protecting children and ensuring human health without increasing taxes. For Democrats, these are moral values.

We believe those working to limit freedoms Americans cherish don’t honor our moral values. We fought three months to force the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce to get an American flag and recite our Pledge of Allegiance. Democrats are proud of all Americans that sacrifice in faraway lands, we seek affordable home ownership for Gilroy troops returning home so they can share the American dream they defend. These are moral values Democrats fight for.

President Kennedy said ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. A DMV tax cut to win recall election followed by borrowing the money cut so future generations must repay it is not what JFK meant. Libraries and trauma centers are closed and schools are cut. Broken promises are not Democrat’s moral values.

Democrats seek dialogue Californian to Californian. In the words of one wise local leader, if it’s for us to agree so be it, but if we disagree let us disagree agreeably. For in the final analysis, it’s an American moral value that our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.

Chris Coté is the CEO of the nonprofit Hollings Cartaway Foundation; he’s authored local ordinances protecting children and the environment and is currently building Gilroy’s first integrated solar powered homes. Coté sits on the Board of Advisors for nonprofit CALSTAR emergency rescue helicopterHe’s lived in Gilroy for 24 years.

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