music in the park, psychedelic furs

amp; Sports, Inc., a Gilroy non-profit organization which
sponsors competitive youth sports programs that also incorporate
scholastic participation and academic improvement, is holding its
annual Father’s Day Golf Tournament.
G.P.A. & Sports, Inc., a Gilroy non-profit organization which sponsors competitive youth sports programs that also incorporate scholastic participation and academic improvement, is holding its annual Father’s Day Golf Tournament.

When: Sunday, June 19, 2005

Where: Gilroy Golf Course

Proceeds go toward scholastic awards, educational tutors and competitive fastpitch softball sporting events.

You can help our teams in the form of a sponsorship. Tee signs, reasonably priced at $100, with the name of your company will be prominently displayed on a hole in front of our field of players.

We also need players for our tournament. Come out and enjoy a relaxing day of golf and support a good cause on Father’s Day. Enjoy lunch, dinner, refreshments, raffle prizes and more.

Questions? Contact tournament director Roy Holt at 408-842-3369 or our Web site at

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