A group of atheists recently purposed to embark on a militant approach to advance their cause that God does not exist. Atheist author, Stephen Hawkins, claims he searched, but found no evidence God exists. Followers have embraced his audacious claims and unwisely deny biblical historical facts.  God’s existence and truths have been challenged for thousands of years, yet the Bible remains humanity’s best guidepost for living.
As far as God’s existence is concerned, there are two factors that testify to His existence yet atheists persist in denying it. One is nature itself.   Atheists and evolutionists admit there is a “design”, but without any evidence, hold that the “Designer” is not God.   Evolutionists have lost the honest debate long ago, yet they continue to teach evolution as a science rather than a wishful theory.
Then, there is the recent claim that Jesus is a fictional person; is not an historical figure; no more existed than Captain Kirk or Dr. Spock and Jesus is not a “real” person like Washington and Lincoln were. Really?
One wonders how hundreds of prophecies centered around Jesus have been fulfilled, including Isaiah 53, prophesying about 700 years before Christ … that He would be crucified …. scourged with stripes etc, bruise, pierced through, to justify many, bearing their sins and their iniquities.  Even minor prophecies like “casting lots for his vesture”, were exactly what the Centurions were doing at the foot of the cross for Jesus’ robe.
The Jewish Sanhedrin leaders managed to get the Roman governor, Pilot, to try Jesus because He claimed to be God, saying among other things, “Before Abraham was, I am.” Pilot said he found no guilt in Jesus. Therefore, he washed his hands of the matter and said he would release either a criminal named Barabbas or Jesus. The Jewish crowd, persuaded by Sanhedrin leaders chose Barabbas and called for the crucifixion of Jesus.  
Herein lay the historical aspects and credentials of Jesus’ deity and existence. He healed the land of Israel of sickness and infirmities … the testimony of these miraculous healings were spread throughout the land. For all to see, the blind saw, the dumb spoke, the lame leaped and leprosy, an incurable disease, was healed.  He was witnessed to have walked on water; calmed the wind; turned water into wine and in front of witnesses including those who were opposing Him) Jesus raised a dead man named Lazarus.     
Furthermore, the crowning miraculous event is Jesus being the Son of man and the Son of God – fully man, yet fully God. Jesus had said earlier “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up” (meaning his body).   After Jesus’ crucifixion, He arose on the third day! He was seen by Mary, Martha, His disciples and all his Apostles and there were over 500 credible eye witnesses.   
No one stole his body from the tomb.  His disciples had been traumatized by His crucifixion and fled for their lives.  The Sanhedrin feared if his followers stole his body from the tomb, Jesus would become a martyr. To insure His body remained in the tomb, they assigned an entire Roman (temple) Guard to prevent His body’s removal.  
Finally, if the Roman Guard, failed in their duties they would pay with their lives. No one there would have removed Jesus’ body. This “evidence demands a verdict” that it was gone … because Jesus raised Himself under his own power.  
For 2000 years, The Christian Church has proclaimed, “He has risen indeed!” His gospel message is: “We are saved by grace through faith (alone, in Christ alone) and not of good works. It is a gift.  And not of yourselves, lest any man should boast.”  
Because Jesus willingly sacrificed his life and rose again, sinful man, through faith in Him, is granted forgiveness and promised eternal life.
Finally, it does humanity well to heed the words found in the Psalms: “The fool in his heart says there is no God”.  
Marc Perkel writes if we don’t believe his kind of “atheistic reality”, “the mighty hand of Darwin might strike us down like he did the Dinosaurs” – adding we need to understand Truth and ask Darwin for mercy on our soul.
An atheist’s truth is deception, but the biblical Truth is based on the real life of the risen Jesus and what He has done for the forgiveness of my sins and hope for eternal life.  
At the end of the age, we will see if Darwin strikes me down or if Christ lifts me up.  
Author Jim Langdon is a long time Gilroyan who has  been engaged in business economics, political and biblical studies most of his adult life.  Anyone interested in writing a guest column chould contact Editor Mark Derry at [email protected].

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