Airline passengers and flight crews are being subject to
see-through screens and are being groped by Transportation Security
Administration agents (except Muslim women, of course).
Dear Editor,
Airline passengers and flight crews are being subject to see-through screens and are being groped by Transportation Security Administration agents (except Muslim women, of course).
The ground crews come and go without even a guard at the gate. No wonder they came after the whistle blowing pilot with a vengeance. He revealed what a farce the TSA is.
It is time for Janet Napolitano to resign her office and refund her pay and comps. It seems that if you tattle on your neighbor it is good, but it you tattle on the government it is wrong. What is wrong with this picture?
Meanwhile, in certain parts of Arizona, Homeland Security has put up signs warning people to stay out. The signs warn of dangerous Mexican drug cartels controlling the area. The signs are a clear admission that Homeland Security cannot control our own borders. Now Napolitano, our Secretary of Homeland Security, travels to Afghanistan to advise them on border security. In view of the lack of success here in America, what can she possibly contribute? Who would want her advice? Maybe they will do like they did in Arizona and put up signs warning people to stay out.
Keith C. De Filippis, San Jose