music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor, I wish, when you published the comments by the Clown Patrol (Community Pulse), you would name who made the statements. The anonymity protects the fools from standing out. Regarding the decommissioned Gilroy Police Department pistol non-issue, two of the comments by said patrol were so laughable they merit feedback. 

Taking the cake was, “I believe the potential for safety issues far outweighs the money saved.” What safety issues? Are these any less “safe” that any other? This sounds like the Gov. Moonbeam Protection Racket, telling us to pay more taxes or we won’t be safe. 

The second was, “No resale ever. If they don’t want to buy it, the weapon should be melted down.” Why? What a waste! (And they wonder why there is a deficit.) A Colt pistol is quite a collector’s piece (for people who know anything about guns). 

The best solution for all sides is to auction them off to (Gilroy) city residents. Said residents paid for them, and an auction brings in the fairest price. A win-win situation. (And by the way, I won’t be bidding on one any time soon, so the GPD can all breathe a little easier.)


Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

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