In early 2019, word was spread throughout Gilroy that Mayor Roland Velasco was asking for volunteers to form an ad hoc committee in order to celebrate Gilroy’s 150th birthday coming the following year. He felt that it was an important and monumental event which would bring Gilroy closer together through a positive celebration. 

The word was out on the street and well published on the City’s website, the Dispatch and social media for all who have an ear to hear, and all who have an eye to see. I, along with many others got the message and volunteered. You chose to remain silent and invisible. 

As our committee met throughout 2019, discussing and formulating plans for the joyous 2020 celebration, our work was well chronicled for all who followed the current events within our community. You again chose to remain silent and invisible. 

When Covid-19 stole all of the public expressions of our birthday celebration, we continued our work from the shelter of our homes rather than out and amongst our community. We were still collecting items for our Time Capsule gift, as the year had not yet ended. You chose to remain silent and invisible. 

Finally, when the Covid-19 restrictions were lifted, and City Hall reopened, we presented our birthday gift to the people of Gilroy. Those who chose to remain silent and invisible, until all the work was completed, suddenly materialized, expressing their displeasure. and took offense with the “wrapping paper” on the gift. No one ever asked or much less cared what was in the gift. So, now the Gilroy Time Capsule Gift is silent and invisible. 

There is no malice here, but an object lesson. If you truly want to affect change of outcome, you need to get on board and be a part of the process. Don’t materialize after all the work is done and then complain. We did not make you invisible, you did that all on your own.

Robert H. Weaver


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