Smooth landing for airport expansion
It looks like both sides of the South County Airport issue are
Community Pulse: Support or prevent opening of medical marijuana dispensary?
Should Gilroy support or try to prevent the opening of a medical
Downtown fantasy – make it real
Is there anything that has not been written at least once about
Slower high-speed rail?
It sounds crazy, but a presidential rant on Twitter may have forced Gov. Gavin Newsom to “clarify”—actually, backtrack—his position on California’s high-speed rail.
“The project, as currently planned, would cost too much and take too long,” the governor said of the state’s high-speed rail plan...
Letter: PG&E working to reduce shutoffs
At PG&E, we know how disruptive shutoff events are to our customers. This year, we are improving Public Safety Power Shutoffs by making events smaller in size, shorter in length and smarter for our customers.
Our goal is to reduce the number of customers affected...
Letters: Apologies, explanations and a response to fence article
No one's essential. I never wrote that or said it. When I came