66.3 F
January 15, 2025

Terri Schiavo

151370~Save Terri Schiavo's life or consequences will be dire

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Thrilled the school district picked a qualified principal

Most times, when I am gone from Gilroy for two weeks, I come

How much is your life worth?

157260~Make a distinction: Gilroy firefighters don't work in

Sheriff Bought a ‘Bill of Goods’ in Proposition 82 Propaganda

Curtis J. Hill, San Benito County Sheriff-Coroner, wrote a

Taking a Look at the Good Aspects to the Day of Truth

No surprise: I disagree with Lisa Pampuch's column of March 14,

No headline provided

142287~Reaction to merit pay idea typical, unfortunate---Dear

This homeschooler will not be calling the attendance officer

In Mr. Frank Valadez's letter of June 16, he explains why the Gilroy Unified School District is taking a harder look at homeschoolers. He finds that an increasing number of truant families in GUSD claim to be homeschooling in order to "keep investigative personnel at bay and as a means of avoiding prosecution."

School Needs Lessons on Parental Authority

159948~Home school students must comply---Dear Editor,

Muddling toward perchlorate sanity

The dates tell the story. From 1955 to 1996, highway flares were

