67.3 F
October 17, 2024

Before Wal-Mart giant awakens

As anyone who's picked up a newspaper recently or driven along

Our Annual Holiday Poem

Twas a chill December night here in Olde Gilroy,And time was running out for the former senator from Illinois.Political signs still hung by intersections here and there,Reminding us that democracy rides on a wing and a prayer. The voters handed pollsters and pundits a big surprise,Electing a commander-in-chief who climate change denies.The confessed grabber of parts unmentionable created a flap,Tweeting about Taiwan with exclamation points, in ALL CAPS! When talk of annexing 721 acres created such a clatter,Gilroy passed an urban growth boundary and settled the matter.Mayor Woodward, the growth champion, was gone in a flash,His challenger, Roland Velasco, had raised more cash. Congratulations to Fred Tovar, whom we didn’t endorse,Councilwoman Cat Tucker kept her seat, of course.Throwback Paul Kloecker is back on the council aginSo’s Dan Harney though he has yet an election to win. We welcomed new City Administrator Gabe G. in March,And introduced Gilroy garlic fries at the golden arch.The police chief announced that she wasn’t going to stay,But we’re safe, a downtown gun shop got the city’s okay. The last holdout on free plastic bags we were indeed,But state voters ended that, and they legalized weed.A bookstore opened and the Dispatch moved downtownAnd there’s many other reasons not to wear a frown. The eyesore on the corner now has a veneer of brick,And even First Street’s potholes are in line to get fixed.Friday night food trucks brought thousands to munchCalled Gourmet Alley, it’s Gary Walton’s latest hunch. The million dollar alley now has historical photos,Along with Articulate Solutions’ designs and logos,Joan Buchanan deserves a lot of credit, we hear,That’s why she was named Woman of the Year. As our legendary Mr. Garlic rides off in his sleigh,We wish Gerry Foisy much love, and a warm holiday.Christmas Eve’s beautiful glow will burn extra bright,We doubled down this year—it’s Chanukah’s first night!

Showgirls shutdown: Sociological shades of ‘Snow Crash’

The online version of the Dispatch reports that Ante Bilic,

The good and the bad in Gilroy, Morgan Hill

The good news: Morgan Hill has built an outstanding aquatics

‘Pitiful paucity’

Dear Editor:

Letters to the Editor, Aug. 14, 2015

Unpopular but needed water hike

Friendly pit bulls and friendly suggestions for City Hall

Readers offer an education on pit bulls and warn about low-rent

