music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor:
I had written on April 7, complaining about Kat Teraji’s subject
matters recently, but, I have to congratulate her on the

World War II hero…

Dear Editor:

I had written on April 7, complaining about Kat Teraji’s subject matters recently, but, I have to congratulate her on the article “World War II hero…” April 17 column (although in reading it I realize there was a mistake regarding which war, as he alluded to childhood memories of WWII, the article went on to say he served his country in the Air Force in Vietnam).

I do not think that this was her mistake, as she would certainly know what war he served in since she was the one who had written the article.

I was thrilled to see that she had written on someone who resides in Gilroy and who has had such interesting experiences, both in and out of the Air Force. We embrace our fellow Gilroyans, such as, Rudy Grube.

Very excellent reporting Kat!

Helen Wineberger, Gilroy

Submitted Saturday, April 19

Editor’s Note: The mistake was ours. A correction ran in Tuesday’s paper.

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