music in the park, psychedelic furs

“I would love to find out about what is going on on Center Road. It has been closed between Masten and Church streets for at least five months and maybe more. They were reconstructing a small bridge overpass. I would like to know how much longer they expect it to be closed. It is a true inconvenience when you live on Center Road and you are trying to get to Church Avenue. It is a very small bridge, and I don’t know why it was necessary to have it done in the first place. Seems like a waste of money.”

Red Phone: Dear Troll Under The Bridge, The bridge reopened Dec. 23, said Gamini Rajapakse, senior civil engineer with the County of Santa Clara Roads and Airports Department. It was widened to meet American Association of State Highway and Transportation safety standards, he said. In addition Caltrans standard bridge railings, metal beam guard railings and a shoulder were added.

New Road is new again

“I had just read your Red Phone (Jan. 4) about making New Avenue new. And about two hours later, I was driving down New Avenue, and there was fresh paint being put down. Just thought I’d like to pass it on to you.

Red Phone: Dear Make It New, We’re glad to hear about such a quick response especially since Masoud Akbarzadeh, the

Santa Clara county traffic engineer, said something like this could take to two to three months.

Interested in picking up trash

“I am calling regarding a Red Phone article about picking up trash along Leavesley Road near Highway 101. I saw someone is asking for some help doing that. I would like to get involved picking up trash in Gilroy.”

Red Phone: Dear Interested, Thanks for your interest. We’ll be glad to put you in touch with the volunteer who mentioned he spends several hours each month cleaning up local roadways. More hands make for a light load. As we mentioned before, it is up to each and every one of to take pride in the community and keep it looking good. In addition, Caltrans also has a Adopt-a-Highway program that you may be interested in. For more information, call 866 ADOPT-A-HWY or visit

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