– Murder laced with recipes is a fiction genre that has taken
off within the last 10 years.
HOLLISTER – Murder laced with recipes is a fiction genre that has taken off within the last 10 years.
While most book clubs just meet and talk about the book selection, Jennifer Coile peeked at the cooking classroom at Dorothy McNett’s Place in Hollister and saw an opportunity for a unique book club.
Concentrating on “culinary fiction,” people do more than read a novel – they learn how to make the recipes included, then taste them while discussing the book.
Coile culled through dozens of books this winter to select the initial four for four “Cooks with Books-Books in Cooks” events scheduled this year, two in the spring and two in the fall, on Sunday afternoons from 1 to 3 p.m.:
• March 23: Lavender Lies by Susan Wittig Albert
• April 26: Secrets of the Tsil Café by Thomas Fox Averill
• Sept. 21 : Sticks and Scones by Dianne Mott Davidson
• Oct. 26: The Chocolate Cat Caper by Joanna Carl
The fee of $25 includes the book as well as the cooking class, recipe tastings, and beverage (coffee, tea, wine). Pre-registration is needed in order to secure the book in advance by calling (831) 637-9144, in the store at 800 San Benito Street in Hollister, or online at www.happycookers.com. The books are provided through another woman-owned independent business, The
Wize Owl bookstore of Gilroy, which opened in December 2002.
The books were selected to reflect a variety of cuisine and settings. A summary of each selection follows:
The March 23 meeting will be used to discuss “Lavender Lies” by Susan WittigAlbert.
China Bayles moved to the mythical town of Pecan Springs in the Texas hill country and bought a herb shop after ditching the Houston corporate lawyer fast lane.
A week before her wedding to the town’s Acting Police Chief, a murder occurs – there are enough suspects to choke a horse because China figures out the victim had been trying to blackmail each and every City Council member.
Her non-refundable honeymoon tickets are at stake if the perpetrator isn’t caught. Herbal lore and legends sprinkled among the lavender recipes.