Special to The Dispatch
– A series of bird walks led by Jane Haley, a Notional Park
Service for 20 years and Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation
Center volunteer, will be held Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. along
Coyote Creek, north of Morgan Hill.
Special to The Dispatch

MORGAN HILL – A series of bird walks led by Jane Haley, a Notional Park Service for 20 years and Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center volunteer, will be held Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. along Coyote Creek, north of Morgan Hill.

Participants will have an opportunity to observe fall and winter migratory birds as well as discover an appreciation of local birds, their habitat and ecological importance. Additional walks are scheduled for Dec. 6, Jan. 10 and Feb. 7. Participants may attend one or all of the walks. Due to the terrain, these walks are not recommended for young children.

The programs are free, but space is limited and reservations are required. For more information or to register, contact W.E.R.C. at 779-9372 or visit its Web site at www.werc-ca.org.

W.E.R.C. is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about wildlife, the environment and California Native Americans; and to the care, rehabilitation and successful release of orphaned, sick and injured native wildlife.

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