'Game On'

“Game On” may have a familiar feeling to those who have witnessed investors trying to get into into large money-making deals; a familiar subject in the Silicon Valley. Playwrights Dan Hoyle and Tony Taccon offer a clever and sometimes confusing mix of venture capitalism and fantasy baseball rolled into a comedy that—at times—tries too hard.
Two guys—obviously out of their league—attend a posh party at an upscale Los Altos home with the well heeled “in” Silicon Valley crowd, hoping to snag and pitch an investor with their latest idea. While waiting for the investor, they enjoy watching a baseball game, nervously hoping the money man will come.
Marco Berricelli (a bombastic Vinnie) and Craig Marker (a hopeful Alvin) play the two guys with vivacity and enthusiasm. They deliver an energy that keeps attention even if some references (fantasy baseball and pitching a deal) might be lost on members of the audience. Rick Lombardo deftly directs the piece.
“Game On” is a well-done piece that shows what some must go through to get ideas funded and into the rarified air of success.
Camille Bounds is the theatre and arts editor for the western division of Sunrise Publications.

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