City Council’s union zealot Paul Correa just can’t step away
from his union puppetmasters’ orders.

City Council’s union zealot Paul Correa just can’t step away from his union puppetmasters’ orders. When Wal-Mart contracts to sell their present location in anticipation of moving to a larger location (Peter Crowley – Wal-Mart sells old location – Jan. 21) he once again abuses his union-bought-and-paid-for Council position to prattle another union “warning” to Wal-Mart: “It sounds like the Wal-Mart officials are pretty confident they’ll get all the needed approvals from the City Council. I think they believe they have the votes to carry them through … and it probably will be approved. But I still would like to hear what they would do to address the concerns that came up in the (environmental review), specifically the traffic.”

Why should Wal-Mart specifically “address the concerns” when it will be but one business within the new shopping center? Moreover, what should Wal-Mart do about traffic to please your union masters: take orders by telephone and provide home deliveries? That would mean many delivery vehicles – adding to the traffic congestion that you arrogantly blame Wal-Mart for causing.

Stop mouthing union fear tactics: whether Wal-Mart is there or not, traffic will come to the new shopping center and those nearby.

It’s pitiful this union zealot can’t do what he was elected to do – serve the best interests of all Gilroy citizens/businesses rather than those unions which bought him his council seat and expect non-ending payback.

As long as the union zealot continues to serve union “leaders” first and foremost, he’ll sell all Gilroy “down the river” with each statement or vote cast based on what serves the unions rather than what best serves Gilroy.

James Brescoll, Gilroy

Submitted Tuesday, Jan. 27

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