
My name is David Johnson; I’ve worked in the laboratory of Saint Louise hospital for 19 years, while it has changed hands multiple times. During those years I have taken pride in this hospital and worked hard with many others to provide for the South Valley Community the best possible health care.
Even though I’m disappointed that a “faith-based” hospital system did not come forward to purchase our hospital, I, along with many others, plan to still be here to continue the best quality of care possible for our community. What concerns me with this sale is the negative focus of one union as well as the supervisors of Santa Clara County in their opposition to the sale to Prime Health Care.
In a review of the offers to buy the hospital, which are open to everyone to review at dchs.prime.com from both what I’ve read and heard, Prime offers our community and the hospital employees the best possible solution for our future. It is time for those of us that support the sale to make our voices heard.
If you want the truth about the sale of St. Louise Regional Hospital, don’t listen to all the scare tactics of SEIU, go and look at the proposals yourself. Our community is in real danger if St. Louise isn’t bought soon. St. Louise operates the busiest ER in South Santa Clara County and saves thousands of lives. I believe it is a good thing that Prime Healthcare has offered to buy the hospital and maintain our services before it’s too late.
Let your voice be heard; don’t allow us to go into bankruptcy and end with a “fire-sale.” I do not believe the claims SEIU is making about Prime that have nothing to do with protecting our residents. These accusations only serve SEIU interests and distract people away from important facts. I’ve had enough; let us move forward with the best possible solution for our hospital and community. If you want to keep St. Louise open, don’t just stand by—be a voice of reason that says we need Prime before it’s too late.
Please join me in support of our hospital and the best future for the community, support the sale of SLRH to Prime Health Care.
David Johnson

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