music in the park san jose

I was getting groceries last week and came out of the store to
find a car parked next to mine with a dog locked inside.
I was getting groceries last week and came out of the store to find a car parked next to mine with a dog locked inside. The windows were up, and it was a warm afternoon.

I waited a few minutes until the owner came out of the store and got into his vehicle. I walked over to talk to him about his dog.

“Kinda warm for him, isn’t it?” I asked. His answer was a one-finger salute as he drove off. This guy knew what he did was wrong, and he knew he’d been caught doing it.

It’s time to make a stand. Every one of us needs to become proactive and do something to stop stupid people from inadvertently killing their pets.

Have I got your attention, yet? Read on, because you and I need to do something to help some innocent animals.

There was a story last Tuesday about a dog that died because he was left alone in a parked car in the heat. Death from hyperthermia. It’s an awful way to die. And of course it didn’t have to happen.

The dog’s owner had left him with his brother, who forgot the dog was in his car. The brother, who later surrendered to authorities, had gone off to play cards at a local gambling spot in San Bruno, and he’d lost all track of time. He left this dog in the car during the dark, early-morning hours. But as the sun came up, so did the temperature inside that car.

When this guy left the cardroom later that morning, he found his brother’s dog dead. There was evidence the poor pooch had suffered seizures before dying, as is often the case with heat stroke. It had, indeed, been very ugly.

Perhaps the only difference in this story is that this fellow actually felt remorse. It sounds as though he was devastated by what happened. Many times, these events are simply written off. I’ve heard some people say, “C’mon, it was only a dog.” No big deal, right? Sadly, they don’t care. But this guy seemed truly stricken by his misdeed.

The inside of a car can heat up quickly, even when the weather is relatively mild. It can hit 100 degrees in a car parked in the sun even when the outside temp is only in the mid-70s. And on hotter days, temps of 110 and higher are easy marks. Dogs, cats and people don’t stand a chance in heat like that for very long.

Too many people are either unaware or just don’t care about these dangers. Time and again, dogs and cats are left alone in a car, their owners off somewhere to make purchases or run errands. Chances are, these people didn’t read the story about that dog in San Bruno. And even if they saw this column, they might not change their ways. It’s really sad.

So, here’s where you and I step in. If you see a car with an unattended pet, wait a few moments for the owners to return. If they don’t, do something to save that pet. If he seems the least bit stressed, call for help. Cars get too hot too quickly in the warmer months. Don’t stand by idly, and don’t just walk away. Call 911. Take a stand.

Someone in San Bruno must have seen that poor dog in that parked car. If only that someone had reported it to the police or even the manager of the cardroom, that dog might still be alive. I’ll wager there were at least a few folks who could have saved that pooch with a simple phone call.

If you see something you don’t think is right, tell someone or call the local authorities. Make a statement! It might save a life.

By the way, several readers told me about a fellow seen driving in San Martin and Morgan Hill with a dog riding loose on the flat bed of his truck. This guy’s dog isn’t tied down with any restraint, and it wanders around on the back of that truck as he goes down the road.

Well, guess what? One of these people did make a stand. She called the sheriff’s office to report this guy. It’s not just dangerous for this dog, buddy. It’s illegal to have a pet unrestrained in the back of any truck.

Q: We were at the Gavilan Kennel Club’s dog show last month and saw a lot of different breeds of dogs. We’re thinking about getting a puppy, but after seeing so many different breeds, we don’t know which would be best for our home. How do people choose a breed?

A: Tough question. And there really isn’t an easy answer for that one. There are so many different breeds out there, and each has a unique history and temperament. The most important thing for you to do is this: Spend time researching and looking at different breeds before you make a choice.

There are lots of stories about what motivated someone to get their first dog of some certain breed. My father had always wanted an English bulldog. As it turns out, one of his high school girlfriends (not my mom) had a 1939 Cadillac convertible and an English bull. She never hit it off with my dad, but her car and her dog left a lasting impression. And when the opportunity came to get a “bully”, Dad was quick to do it. I’ll never forget seeing that puppy for the first time. I was 14 years old, and I’ve been a bulldog fan ever since.

Before you make a choice, you should also consider adopting a dog from the shelter or other adoption agency. Mixed-breed dogs (yes, the mutts), make terrific pets. Not only that, mixed breeds have some very interesting body types. Look around and you’ll see dogs with short legs on long bodies, long legs on short bodies, and thousands of different colors and personalities. Sure, purebred dogs are really nice and they have lots of history and heritage. But a good mutt can be, well, one of a kind.

Still, let’s say your heart is set on a purebred dog. In order to choose the right one for your family, you’ll need to sit down and decide what best fits your family’s lifestyle. Some breeds are full of extra energy and fun. But they also require a lot of daily time and attention. So a highly active pooch might not be the best choice for a family where both people work and are away for most of the day. Better, here, to find a laid-back dog.

My best advice: Go to several dog shows and look at all the different dogs. Ask the owners and breeders about their companions. Get a feel for some of the characteristics of different breeds. Take your time before you get that new family member. Remember, this is a full-time commitment.

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