Hello Red Phone, I have been a resident of Gilroy for almost
three years. All three years have been at my home on Third
Third Street Speeders
“Hello Red Phone, I have been a resident of Gilroy for almost three years. All three years have been at my home on Third Street. I have been working from my home for over a year now and I am appalled at the speed limits that drivers go between Wren and Westwood. For most of the day, cars and motorcycles race down this stretch of street at speeds that sound like they are almost 50 to 60 miles per hour. Sadly, a child was hit on Saturday, Aug. 19 near my home. I do not know if the driver was speeding but I will tell you that it would not surprise me.
I want to believe that people understand that although Third Street has seem to become a major thoroughfare it is still in a residential neighborhood. When I go the speed limit there are people that follow me too closely because I am sure that they think I am going too slow.
More importantly, I have a three year old and a two year old. I do not want them to be the next victim of careless driving on our street.
After the accident, it became abundantly clear that we really need to have a couple of speed bumps installed on this stretch of road. My husband feels that the city could get the funds for these speed bumps in a week’s span by the speeding ticket revenue it could get by stationing someone out here with a radar gun.
What does it take to get people to slow down? Hopefully it will be a hit to their bottom line before it is another accident occurring.”
Red Phone:
It contacted Capt. Jack Robinson of Gilroy Police. He said, “The traffic patrol position is vacant and will probably not be filled for several months. However, all other police officers will enforce traffic violations whenever necessary.”
As for installing speed bumps, city engineer, Don Dey, said the city of Gilroy does not install speed bumps on any of its public streets, so sadly there is no process residents can go through to get them installed. The problem is a matter of enforcement, not engineering,” Dey said.
Hopefully that vacancy will be filled soon and those speeders will be reminded to slow down and make your neighborhood streets safer.
Ghosts and Ghouls Already?
“Red Phone I want your thoughts on this. I was in Nob Hill the other day and instead of seeing pencils and binders on display, they have the Halloween decorations out. I mean wigs, candles, decorations, everything. It’s two-and-a-half months away but at this rate the Christmas tree lights will be up by Saturday. I love Nob Hill, but boo on them this time.”
Red Phone:
Red Phone contacted Nob Hill Store Director Vito Mercado about the apparently over-punctual decor. He said he could not comment for the record, but gave the number of Nicole Townsend the corporate spokesperson.
Nicole said in an e-mail that in fact there were schools supplies displayed in that location.
“We had a featured a number of different types of back to school supplies prominently in our store throughout August, but they sold quickly early in the month as parents and children prepared for the return back to school. Since the products sold down, we moved them to the stationary aisle, where the store carries a great selection of school supplies year round. In the space that previously showcased back to school products, we placed fall and Halloween items, as the area is for seasonal merchandise and we’re heading into fall.”
Maybe fall is sneaking up on us. Being prepared is never a bad thing, and it seems that many were extra prepared for the start of the school season and now everyone can gear up early for all the fall festivities. However, Red Phone reserves the right to throw a fit if Christmas displays are up this weekend.