Restrooms to the rescue?

“In the May 5 Dispatch, Al Pinheiro says three parks have been finished. However, Sunrise Park is in use, but according to the master plan it’s missing the neighborhood rec center, which I’m sure would include restrooms and a nearby parking lot. What is designed to be in the northeast corner of the park? That area is a large plot of tan bark. Consequently they have now placed an outhouse in the northwest entrance of the park, not more than 15 feet from backyards. My questions are how soon are they going to finish the park as designed, with restrooms? Why not move the outhouse to the tan bark area in the interim? Why is the city talking about upgrades to Las Animas Park when Sunrise hasn’t been completed? Thank you.”

Red Phone:

Parks and Facilities Manager Bill Headley explained the outhouse situation and cleared up few misconceptions.

He said the city was forced to put an outhouse on the property because it is temporarily using the site for a summer youth soccer league. Those leagues have played at Gavilan College in the past, but the city canceled its contract with the school this year in anticipation of the new sports park south of Luchessa Avenue.

“Neighborhood parks are normally not built with bathrooms,” Headley said. “Those are considered for parks with destination features such as lighted ball facilities.”

A bathroom will be installed in the Sunrise community center when funds become available for the facility, but that is “many years away,” Headley said. And even then, the restrooms will not be for public park use, but for users of the community center. Neighborhood parks are generally within walking distance of user’s homes, Headley explained, and the city avoids costly bathroom installations based on that expectation.

Sorry caller, you’ll just have to hold it.

Comics in question

Your Red Phone was recently swamped with callers questioning the change in the Dispatch comics page. A sampling of calls follows.

“Hi Red Phone. Whoever’s in charge of the comics must have a weird sense of humor because we’ve been around this Earth for many, many years. We’re senior citizens and we cannot understand these. They’re not even funny. Why don’t you bring back Mallard Fillmore and Beetle Bailey. Please, please, please. Thank you.”

– “What’s up with the Mallard Fillmore cartoon strip being taken out of the Dispatch? Don’t tell me some of the libs got to offended by the unpolitically correct cartoon. Please let me know what’s up. Thanks.”

– “I really like the change in the cartoons, the comics. Some of the ones you originally had running were kind of old and stale. Glad to see some new work. Thank you.”

Red Phone:

It went directly to the Lifestyles department, which is in charge of the comics you read. Editor Katie Niekerk said that the department agreed it was time for something new.

“We think the latest additions are different, unique, funny and add a new flavor to the comics page,” she said.

Contact the Red Phone at 842-9070 or e-mail



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