Dear Editor:
In response to three letters submitted in opposition to my
letter in the Friday, Jan. 10 issue of The Dispatch, I would ask
you to consider the following:
In relation to Trent Lott, if one was a dope fiend throughout
high school and college, should he not be forgiven his past
indiscretions and instead be considered for the success he has
Dear Editor:

In response to three letters submitted in opposition to my letter in the Friday, Jan. 10 issue of The Dispatch, I would ask you to consider the following:

In relation to Trent Lott, if one was a dope fiend throughout high school and college, should he not be forgiven his past indiscretions and instead be considered for the success he has become? Or should we forever consider him a doper or a “meathead”? You decide.

In response to, Doug “Fire” Meier, who continues to blame whites and in particular white southerners for all the evils of racism, Doug, are you suggesting that all whites in the South are bigots? While trying to impress his readers of his expert knowledge of the fight against racism, Meier missed the entire point of my letter.

Apparently, Meier’s extremely narrow mind could not see the unfair bias I was trying to highlight. I wonder if Mr. Meier would even consider that racism is not limited to white on black. You call me a bigot. Where are your facts to back up that charge? Trent Lott obviously had racist roots, some of which still bare their ugly head from time to time, yet he also embraced change through his faith and his actions.

Liberals were more than willing to forgive Bill Clinton who was a liar, philanderer and a disgrace to the office of the President and they still treat him as a “god.” We all make mistakes and will continue to do so from time to time. Where is your charity and forgiveness?

Kristine Dillon, on the other hand, gave more substance and rates a response but she also missed my point. I really wasn’t defending Trent Lott for his indiscretions, only comparing how hypocritical liberals are in condemning Trent Lott while giving a liberal Democrat, former KKK member, who within the last year used the word “nigger” on FOX NEWS, a free pass. I noticed that none of my critics mentioned the Sen. Robert Byrd incident, probably because my statement about the liberal bias is true and irrefutable.

Here are a few more facts for the revisionist Democrat liberal apologists to digest.

1) Strom Thurmond’s Dixiecrats were made up of primarily Southern Democrats.

2) Jim Crow laws were passed by legislatures controlled by Democrats.

3) When Martin Luther King Jr. led the civil rights efforts in the South, the governing powers that opposed him were Democrats.

4) In Arkansas, the governor who stood in the door of a schoolhouse to block integration was a Democrat.

5) The president who ordered in the National Guard to dislodge the above-mentioned governor was Republican, Dwight D. Eisenhower who had also signed the first Civil Rights Act since 1875.

6) Lester Maddox was a Democrat and although Bo Callaway won a plurality of the vote, the heavily Democratic legislature installed Lester Maddox as governor of Georgia. In case you don’t recall who Lester Maddox was, he was the colorful restaurant owner who refused to serve three black students at his restaurant and in fact chased them out at gunpoint!

I attended a speech given last year by the Secretary of the California Republican Party, Shannon Reeves. In his speech, Reeves made the observation that liberal Democrats want to keep minorities comfortable in their poverty. He further stated that by keeping minorities dependent on the government social programs, the Democrats would gain power and a natural constituency. This is done by race baiting, pandering, scare tactics and demonizing Republicans. Reeves, a successful businessman, once bought into the liberal mantra that Republican’s are racist. Having been raised in Hunters Point and black, he experienced the brainwashing first hand. It was only after working extensively with Jesse Jackson during his run for the presidency, that he saw how frequently liberals play the “race card”. Reeves said, “Republican’s believe in a hand up, not a hand out.”

Liberal Democrats will have you believe that they are and always have been the champions of minority causes. That is a lie. I believe that it is the Republican’s that share Martin Luther King’s dream, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” The liberals want to give Martin Luther King a day, the Republican’s want to make his dream a reality.

Mark A. Zappa, Gilroy

Submitted Monday, Jan. 20 to ed****@ga****.com

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