As we get head into 2015, we reflect on 2014 and make resolutions to hopefully carry us through the upcoming year. We promise to eat healthier, exercise more, be a better person and pray for world peace. But instead of searching for that magic cure, or constantly working toward fulfilling New Year’s resolutions, just be happy—it’s not that hard.
Happiness is thought to be something you either have or you don’t based on your current life situation. But positive psychologists believe that happiness is actually a quality that can be practiced.
Sonya Lyubomirsky, Ph.D, a professor of psychology at the University of California Riverside said, “There are lots of ways you can make yourself happier for the moment, but if you want to change your happiness, it’s a life-long practice.”
So with that in mind, here are some suggestions you can practice.
When we smile the muscles in our face send signals to our brain that helps create a better mood. Smile at someone and this helps establish an immediate connection, which helps us feel more upbeat.
Do something fun
The anticipation of having a pleasant experience in the not to distant future breeds joy.
Express gratitude
Chances are you’ve been doing this already during the holiday season (if you haven’t, there’s still time). Studies show that gratitude is directly connected with happiness.
Be kind to someone
This is really easy to do. Let someone go ahead of you if you’re waiting in a line, call a relative that you haven’t spoken to in awhile. Think about what you could do for someone to make them happy, then do it.
Go for a walk
Exercise releases chemicals in the brain that cause happiness. Fifteen to 20 minutes and the chemicals start kicking in, and if you can do it outside you’ll get an even stronger reaction.
Eat something healthy
This goes without saying. A balanced snack with proteins, carbs and fat will improve your mood. Dark chocolate (in moderation) is a good thing.
So starting today, put a smile on your face, eat something healthy, go for a walk and be kind to someone and let’s all be happier in 2015.

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