Let Elected Officials Run The City

Dear Red Phone: Do we have a Bonfonte-gate, a Kraemer-gate, a
Pinheiro-gate at the Gilroy Gardens gate? We have bonds that have
been devaluated from millions of dollars down to $12.5 million.
Secret Garden

Dear Red Phone:

Do we have a Bonfonte-gate, a Kraemer-gate, a Pinheiro-gate at the Gilroy Gardens gate? We have bonds that have been devaluated from millions of dollars down to $12.5 million. Michael Bonfante sold his grocery chain to Raley’s and conned them into purchasing bonds in millions so that Raley’s forgave along with other investors. Now the park is valued at $60 million after everyone was told it was $12.5 million. That value is four times more than previously stated! Bond holders gave up their rights and got pennies on their bonds. Now will the previous bond holders bringing suit? That will bring it into the courts and bring very bad press for Gilroy and knock down the good press the Garlic Festival has given to Gilroy.

Red Phone:

Dear Planting Ideas:

Red Phone isn’t sure you have a grasp on all of the Gilroy Gardens goings-on, but the Dispatch has been following the story closely. See “Firm to Offer $50M to City for Gardens,” July 7 and “Gilroy Gardens Rejects Offer,” July 3. We’ve gotten many calls like yours about controversy and speculation on the topic, and Red Phone assures you we have been digging up all we can on the subject. See today’s issue for the very latest Gilroy Gardens news.

Top Cop Talk

Dear Red Phone:

New Police Chief to speak Spanish? Isn’t this the United States where English is the first language? My grandparents came from Poland and had to learn English to survive. My in-laws came from Italy and had to learn English to survive. Why can’t the Mexicans/Spaniards be expected to learn English to also survive in the U.S.? They chose to be here so they need to conform to the American way of life and that includes languages!

Red Phone:

Dear English Class:

In our society many expect others to adapt to our language and culture if they expect to be a part of it, yes. But, regardless of language or origin, that is a learning process for immigrants. Your ancestors faced them as do the many Spanish-speaking members of our community. While your ideal is to have everyone in Gilroy speak English fluently, in the meantime it could be quite an asset for our police chief to have bilingual abilities, especially during emergency situations in a heavily Hispanic region.

coming up empty

Dear Red Phone:

I don’t have recycling pickup where I recently moved, though I’m told I will have it in the future. I’m not sure what to do with all my used bottles and cans until then.

Red Phone:

Dear Heavy Drinker:

Red Phone can only assume you live in an unincorporated area of the county. Until recycling in your area picks up (See “Recycling Service Upgrades Delayed,” May 11), there are two options if you want to make some money off of it. And, there actually is some money to be made – the current California Redemption Value rate which is double what it used to be – is now 5 cents for each beverage container less than 24 ounces and 10 cents for each container 24 ounces or greater. Separate your cans, bottles and plastics, then take them to a buy-back location. Trinie Martin Recycling Inc. is located at 6310 Chestnut St., and AMD Recycling is located at 150 Howson St., both in Gilroy.

Generally what you can take to these places are containers from carbonated soft drinks, wine coolers, beer, waters, sports drinks, coffee and tea drinks, fruit drinks, fruit juices in containers less than 46 ounces, and vegetable juice in containers 16 ounces or less.

You can take everything else (or all your recycling if you don’t care about getting the money) to the San Martin Transfer Station, located at 14070 Llagas Ave. in San Martin. The Transfer Station accepts all recyclables free of charge.

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