Members of the Leadership and Link Crew classes gather as a flash mob and dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" as part of post apocalypse day for Winterfest during lunch Thursday at Gilroy High School.

“Winterfest week is like Homecoming week for winter sports,” said Gilroy High School student leadership media liason Alexander Valente Eichenbaum.

Each day of Winterfest week has a theme and many of the students dress-up accordingly. The themes include “Bucket List”, “Survival of the Fittest”, “End of the World”, ending with “Blue and White Day” with a rally.

During the last few minutes of the lunch period on Thursday, or “End of the World” day, students and faculty were surprised by a flash mob of students wearing zombie gear and make-up in the quad dancing to “Thriller” by Michael Jackson.

 “I was asked to choreograph the flash mob and I taught it to students during zero periods,” said Haleigh Dalke, 17, “I am hoping we’ll have 20 to 30 people participate.”

Dalke is in the Leadership class and also the junior class treasurer. The Leadership class plans activities for the school like the ones during Winterfest.

“It’s a lot of work, but also a lot of fun,” said Katie Guardino, 15, who is on Leadership’s rally committee. “We do things like play music for students during lunch and different things like that.”

After student voting closes and the ballots are tabulated, a Winterfest king and queen was crowned between the junior varsity and varsity wrestling matches. During Friday’s lunch period the winter sports teams were introduced along with planned skits and spirit activities.

Jessica Bermea, 16, is a sophomore is also on the rally committee for the Leadership class.

“I really love the class,” Bermea said. “Last year I was not a part of it, but I saw what they did and decided to take the class this year. I am also on Link Crew that helps new students and freshman get used to high school and learn their way around.”

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