Red Phone

Hi Red Phone,

The new homebuilders have done an excellent job of landscaping along Santa Teresa at the corner of Sunrise. However, now the lawn is overgrown and out of control. We went to the new home sales office and inquired why the lawn was out of control and they told us that the City was responsible for cutting the lawn as long as they planted the correct lawn which they stated they did. How can we raise this to the attention of the City to have this manicured in order to preserve the beautification of our loved city?

Dear Reader,

Here’s the deal … the City says “the grass in that area is a no-mow fescue. It is not supposed to look like highly manicured turf. This type of grass will become more common as we move toward more environmentally friendly landscaping and landscaping appropriate to our arid climate.”  OK, Red Phone drinks a lot of water every day and understands it’s precious material, plus we want to conserve to hold the dam on Santa Clara Valley Water District’s flood of rate increases. So, hopefully this no-mow fescue is good looking. If not, call us back and maybe there’s some suggesting to do to the City from great local landscapers like Greg Bozzo. Also FYI from the city, “The City has not accepted that improvement for that subdivision yet. The developer will be responsible for the maintenance for three years after we accept the improvements. After that, the City will take over the maintenance.” So, the development office isn’t giving you the straight scoop. If maintenance is needed, or the fescue doesn’t seem to be the right stuff, the time is now to put the pressure hose on the developer. Red Phone is ready to help, and also thanks to City Public Information Officer Joe Kline for tracking down the answers.

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