New co-pastors Dawn Boyd and Patrick Davis on their first visit to Gilroy United Methodist Church.
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Something new is coming to South County. The United Methodist Bishop for our area, Warner Brown, has decided to try a co-pastoring experiment with Gilroy and Morgan Hill. Pastor Eric Cho of the Gilroy United Methodist Church (founded in 1853) was recently transferred to serve the Fresno Korean Fellowship in Clovis, CA, where a bilingual Korean-speaking pastor was needed.
So, as of Monday, Gilroy has begun sharing pastors with Morgan Hill United Methodist Church (founded in 1893), where Pastor Patrick Davis is serving part-time. His wife, Pastor Dawn Boyd, began serving a quarter of her time in Morgan Hill and also part-time in Gilroy. Pastor Patrick Davis is serving a quarter of his time in Gilroy. Each church ends up with a total of three fourths time of pastoral coverage. It is a grand new plan for collaborative pastoring in South County.  
In a time when many churches are consolidating, downsizing and shutting their doors, this is a creative way to enrich both churches while keeping them financially sound.
This arrangement (which began July 1) is significant because it means there will be no attempt to merge the two churches; it is recognized by the church at large, in the form of the northern California-Nevada Conference to which United Methodist churches in Santa Clara County belong, that each church is its own strong personality in its own right with its own DNA. 
At the same time, it is recognized that as the two closest United Methodist churches in our area, the two might be able to collaborate together in ways that can benefit both churches, perhaps in a future Vacation Bible School (Morgan Hill has a strong program, but Gilroy has more space for children); or going on an annual Monte Toyon Retreat together in the Aptos redwoods (Gilroy can’t fill all the reserved spots; perhaps with Morgan Hill they could, making it more financially feasible to continue enjoying this retreat that has been a fun tradition.
Pastors Patrick and Dawn will live in former Gilroy United Methodist Church’s Pastor Paul Sweet’s house, formerly known to many in Gilroy as Florence Trimble’s home. Pastor Paul Sweet is moving to Scotland and will be married in a castle there. His house was once the longtime residence of Florence Trimble, a well-known advocate for helping the homeless here in Gilroy. She was an active champion of all efforts to help those less fortunate, even into her 90s.
 You can almost see the good karma dripping from the walls of that house after all the warm-hearted and compassionate people who have lived there! Now with Pastors Patrick and Dawn, the tradition of people of strong faith residing there lives on.
Pastor Patrick Davis has served in Morgan Hill for three years, and is thrilled about becoming co-pastor to Gilroy as well.
“Well, it is July 1st and I woke up this morning transformed!” he exclaimed Monday. “I am no longer a pastor, but a co-pastor! Amazing and joyful!!”
Pastor Patrick is the founder of the Bay Area Alliance for Youth and Family Services, which provides care, supervision, and support services for adolescent girls who have been removed from their family homes due to abuse and neglect. In 2010, BAAYFS also began providing foster family placement services for children in approved and certified homes of individuals desiring to serve as a foster parent for a child.
Pastor Patrick originally hails from Alabama and was educated at Jacksonville State University with a focus on education, biology, history and music. 
Since he has been serving at Morgan Hill United Methodist Church, the congregation has grown, and the church came in significantly under budget for 2012.
Pastor Dawn has served in many capacities at San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church for 30 years, and brings a wealth of experience to Gilroy. She is a Minister of Discipleship who has been involved in every aspect of Christian Education, teaching, directing, leading workshops and writing curriculum. In addition, she has coordinated outreach to the homeless and working poor, and has organized large donations of backpacks and school supplies for the after school program at the Salinas Hispanic United Methodist Church.   
In 2012, she started Non Misyou Ansanm, a group of volunteers with a focus on Haiti; they learned about the country and engaged in hands-on projects for those who want to help but can’t travel to Haiti themselves to volunteer. The group makes dresses, tote bags, aprons, shorts for boys and sends health care items, books, videos (they LOVED “The Lion King”), office and school supplies, toys, etc.
Pastor Dawn Boyd’s first sermon at Gilroy United Methodist Church will be this coming Sunday, while Pastor Patrick will preach at Morgan Hill United Methodist Church simultaneously. Also serving in ministry will be the couple’s Golden Retriever, Jackson, who is great with people.
Who:   Pastor Dawn Boyd
When:  10 a.m. Sunday, July 7
Where: Gilroy United Methodist Church, 7600 Church St., Gilroy
Who:   Pastor Patrick Davis
When:  10 a.m. Sunday, July 7
Where: Morgan Hill United Methodist Church, 17175 Monterey St., Morgan Hill
Call: (408) 607-2442 for more information

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