Dear Editor,
Anyone living anywhere in the South Bay area is living in mountain lion country. Because of the recent sightings in local parks and residential areas, news reports offer advice on how to keep ourselves from being attacked: Walk with another person, scream, make yourself look big, don’t run or crouch.
I would like to add another essential “attack preventative” which may be helpful for hikers, bikers, joggers and those just out on their “evening constitutional”-a mini air horn that can be easily carried in your pocket. These are inexpensive and can be purchased at local retail stores.
An excellent source of tips on keeping mountain lions, deer, coyotes, and wild turkeys away from your home, and advice on what to do if you encounter one of these wild animals can be found at the California Dept. of Fish and Game website:
Colleen Grzan, Animal Care Coordinator, Wildlife Education & Rehabilitation Center, Morgan Hill