39.6 F
March 10, 2025

Tag: pets

Belle Star

We adopted Belle Star from a farm in the mountains of El Dorado county. She was the runt of the litter but her Calico markings were beautiful and my teenage daughters fell in love with her. Belle Star could be very feisty, but also very loving. She took turns sleeping on top of all of our pillows throughout her life - purring non-stop and tickling our faces with her whiskers. My daughters would jokingly say that they loved her so much that they would be willing to marry her one day.


I've always had cats and dogs in my life, but Charlie stands out most likely because of his unique personality and the fact that he lived well over 20 years. In 1962, I felt it was time to bring a cat into our home and followed up on a newspaper ad for a free cat. On arriving at the address I found a scrawny flea-bitten adult Manx cat and he pretty much adopted me! I immediately brought him to the vet for a check-up and the doctor said Charlie was so flea-infested that he was anemic. After much love and care, Charlie blossomed into a beautiful butterscotch and white fluffy cat. He was with me through every move, from Southern California to Los Altos to San Jose and, finally, Morgan Hill.  In Los Altos, we took in an abandoned pregnant cat. When she had her kittens, Charlie watched over them and would hiss if the dogs got too close to their area. In San Jose he'd take his morning walk along his private freeway (the tops of the neighbors fences) and you could hear the dogs barking as he travelled along! When we moved to Morgan Hill, a series of stray cats heard through the cat grapevine that I loved cats. Each cat was brought to the vet for a check-up, vaccinations and neutered or spayed.  We ended up with six cats and Charlie watched over each one. In the mid-1980's Charlie's kidneys failed and I held him as the vet put him to sleep.  He's buried under a tree at my home.


Cassie came into my life only as a temporary guest. My oldest daughter had adopted her from the San Martin Animal Shelter. Within that year’s time my oldest daughter passed away and my loyal dog shortly thereafter.


His name is Bagheera (named after the panther in the Disney movie “Jungle Book”). A local pet shop does animal rescue. I stopped in one day and they had a little black kitten. He was so sweet. I was on one side of the cage and he got up and jumped to my side to say hello. A kitten size “meow hello.” He had arrived weeks ago with his siblings and now was all alone. You see, no one wanted him because he is all black. He had so much personality we decided to bring him home.

Cali & Zori

I went to a shelter to adopt a cat and walked out with two 9-week-old sisters. They stole my heart and I just couldn't split them up. They had been found one night in the middle of the street together, hungry and dehydrated when they were only 6 weeks old.

Kitty Boy

Awww, look at that face. Love my big 'ol Kitty Boy!


Our little cat Baby is really more like our "late in life child." She came to us on a chilly December eve two years ago and has been a constant source of joy since! She "talks" to us all the time with her very deliberate sweet meow, she follows me (her mom, Debbie) wherever I go and she even fetches!


Let me introduce you to our cat. Not only does she look unique with her green eyes and split face, but so is her story and her never ending daily adventures. Our cat was adopted five years ago when she was very young from the Macy’s S.F. store. She came with the name Halloween, but we call her Macy, but never forgetting her original name.

Moosie & Lalo

Moosie and Lalo adopted us about a year ago after a trip our family made to Pet Friends. We’d stopped by the animal rescue center not expecting to take home a new pet, much less two of the furry creatures. We had decided, on a whim, to spend an afternoon playing with the cats at the center only because we desperately missed our own Rael, who died unexpectedly. You see, we are cat lovers and we’ve always had one or two or four of them around to keep us company and to not have one roaming around the house just didn’t feel right.


Beachball is my feline master and I can tell you that he is a “one-in-a-million cat! He bounded into our school yard one cool, Monday morning in October of 1998. The entire school at Paradise Valley was in a circle as we sang patriotic songs. My students knew I loved cats, so one of the boys asked permission to snatch him. Beachball spent the entire day, taking turns sleeping on jackets, backpacks, and laps of all the students. He is a tabby and white domestic short-hair with a large head, expressive yellow-green eyes, and quite the pink nose. The students decided to name him Beachball, because he had a large head, but I felt the name fit him, because of the way he “bounced” into our lives!

