43 F
February 10, 2025

Tag: pinnacles national monument

Pinnacles National Park Highway: Gateway to a grocery store?

The idea to rename Airline Highway as Pinnacles National Park Highway seemed like a done deal with broad consensus. That no longer appears to be the case, with one supervisor altering his position in light of urging from detractors.

President signs bill to make Pinnacles a national park

President Barack Obama signed a bill to make Pinnacles National Monument the newest national park Thursday morning.

Pinnacles gains Senate approval to become national park

After months of working its way through the House of Representatives and into the Senate, a bill to make Pinnacles National Monument into a national park was approved this week and awaits the signature of President Barack Obama to make it official.

Pinnacles condors to get treatment closer to home

Sick, endangered condors from Pinnacles National Monument will now have the ability to get treatment a lot closer to home as part of a new partnership announced with the Oakland zoo, according to a recent announcement.

Two small earthquakes hit near Pinnacles

There were two small earthquakes Thursday morning near Pinnacles National Monument, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Enjoy the outdoors? Deadline ends Thursday for internships

Enjoy the outdoors? Consider an internship

Pinnacles admission free to correlate with MLK Day

All 397 national parks across the country will offer free admission Jan. 14-16 to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

