music in the park, psychedelic furs

Thursday 2.24
Childbirth Preparation
Saint Louise Regional Hospital will hold their next Childbirth
Preparation class from 6:30 to 9pm, in the hospital boardroom.
For details call 594-0591.
Thursday 2.24

Childbirth Preparation

Saint Louise Regional Hospital will hold their next Childbirth Preparation class from 6:30 to 9pm, in the hospital boardroom.

For details call 594-0591.

Perchlorate Advisory Group Meets Together

The San Martin Perchlorate Community Advisory Group, that formed to liaison with water officials on the Perchlorate issue and the public, will meet from 7 to 9pm the fourth Thursday of every month.

The group meets at the San Martin Lions Club, 12415 Murphy Ave., behind the airport.

Details: 683-2667.

Sons In Retirement

Sons In Retirement meets the fourth Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at the Elks Lodge, 2765 Hecker Pass Road, at 11am for social and noon for lunch.

Details: Dwayne at 779-6624.

DivorceCare Program

Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave., is offering “DivorceCare,” a support group for those going through, divorce or separation, every Thursday from 7 to 9pm through March 31. Cost is $15 for materials.

Register online at the door,, or call 842-3000.

Bridge Club

The Morgan Hill/Gilroy Bridge Club meets at 10:30am on Thursdays at Monticelli Community room, 841 Monticelli Drive in Gilroy.

If you need a partner, call 847–2206.

Thursday Night Teens

Come every Thursday and play some pool, Ping-Pong, shoot hoops, table soccer or listen to music from 6:30 to 8pm at the Wheeler Auditorium. Open for ages 11 to 15 years.

Details: 846-5686.


A mindfulness sitting meditation group meets on Thursdays at 7:30pm in Gilroy, presenting meditative practices from different traditions.

For details and directions, e-mail an*****@ga****.com or call 847-1890.

Children’s Choir

Advent Lutheran Church Pacem Children’s Choir meets every Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30pm, and is directed by Jennifer Hamilton. The choir is for grades 3 through 8.

Details: 779-3551.

Gilroy Boy Scouts

Gilroy Boy Scout Troop 711 meets Thursdays,7 to 8:30pm at St. Stephen’s Church .

For more information, call Dave Kleinke at 842-0963.

Friday 2.25

Together For Life

Gilroy Presbyterian Church will host Together for Life Workshops on Friday, Feb. 25, from 7 to 9pm and Saturday, Feb. 26, from 9am to 4:30pm. Workshops are designed to help couples keep their relationships healthy for a lifetime. Cost is $110 per couple.

Register with Sandy in the church office via email at sa****@gi********.org or call 842-3000.

Saturday 2.26

Weight Loss

Support Group Meets

Saint Louise Regional Hospital holds Weight Loss Support Group meetings the last Saturday of every month, or the third Saturday during holiday weekends, in the hospital boardroom from 1 to 3pm.

For details e-mail sherry@

Sunday 2.27

Annual Toy Train Show

The fourth annual “Toy Train Show And Swap Meet” will be held on Sunday, Feb. 27, from 10am to 3pm at San Juan Bautista Elementary School, 100 Nyland Drive in San Juan Bautista. Vendor tables are available for $20 each or two for $30.

For details call Pat, at the All Aboard Junction Train Store in Gilroy, at 846-8841.

Send news items to City Editor Robert Airoldi. FAX to 842-2206, mail to Gilroy Dispatch, 6400 Monterey Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 or e-mail ed****@ga****.com.

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