Carolina Reed owns Sweet Portraits.

Business profile: Sweet Portraits
Owner: Carolina Reed

Address: Serving the South Bay Area

Business History: Carolina Reed has been a portrait photographer for more than 10 years. Sweet Portraits specializes in weddings and all portrait photography. Reed says she’s consistently upgrading her services as technology advances, and she’s excited about new options for her customers.

Business Philosophy: “We believe that photographs are important in preserving the memories of our loved ones and are a priceless keepsake that last throughout time. At Sweet Portraits we focus on capturing the personality of the subject rather than just recording a moment in life.”

Business Services: Formal bridal sittings, engagement sessions and complete wedding coverage. Services also include portraits for schools and other organizations as well as family and children. Time and care are taken to get a great shot of every individual.

Contact: (408) 782-8845,

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