music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor
Last summer, I was riding my motorcycle north on Santa Teresa
Boulevard. I was two seconds (the legal limit) behind a bus.
I noticed a driver waiting to cross at Miller, hand holding her
phone to her ear. I wondered to myself,

What if she doesn’t see me?

Dear Editor

Last summer, I was riding my motorcycle north on Santa Teresa Boulevard. I was two seconds (the legal limit) behind a bus.

I noticed a driver waiting to cross at Miller, hand holding her phone to her ear. I wondered to myself, “What if she doesn’t see me?”

So I slowed down just in case. After the bus went, right out she went in front of me.

I swerved massively and missed her tail by no more than a foot, not dropping the bike.

After (vertically) recovering, I looked and she was already gone around the bend, never having seen me.

Several studies have proven beyond reasonable doubt that drivers talking on their phones, hand-held or hands-free, have the same accident rate as drunk drivers.

In other words, mandating hands-free headsets so you can yap while driving accomplished nothing.

However, Supervisor Jim dumb-Beall and now-Assemblyman Joe Simitian have a long history of legislating ignorance to make a name for themselves.

As a motorcyclist who rides an average of 12,700 miles per year on the bike alone, I look for hands to ears. Had I not seen the above driver with her hand glued to her ear, I would now be in the stone orchard.

That’s why I oppose the above fools’ ignorant attempts to ban hand-held cell phones, be it in the County or statewide.

I wonder whether Simitian and dumb-Beall know that already have a law allowing drivers to be pulled over and hit with a moving violation for driving erratically while on the phone.

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

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